18 April 2016

Comerse el mundo

Estaba agusto, eso no podía negarlo. Relajado, tranquilo, disfrutando de no hacer nada. Pero empezaba a sentir la necesidad de salir. Cada día era más acuciante. La curiosidad empezó a hacer mella en su estado de ánimo. ¿Qué estaría pasando ahí fuera, en la vida real?

Un día, ya no pudo más, y decidió salir a ver el mundo.

The girl with the guitar

He was passing by on his way to work. She was singing a soft tune while playing a battered guitar. In a normal day he wouldn't even have noticed her. But today was not a normal day. He had woken up early with a headache, alone in his king-sized bed. Last night they had such a row that a neighbour had called the police. It wasn't the first time that had happened, but surely it was the last one. Her games, her flirting with other guys, her fake tears, that he could cope with. But last night, she confessed to what he could not forgive. Ever.